Researchers are required to know the Scheduling Policy before submitting this form. Failure to accurately complete this form may cause delays.
If this is your first time conducting an experiment, please fill out as much of the form as you can to help expedite your request.
If you have already conducted an experiment and are scheduling more sessions, please simply fill out your name, CPHS number, the desired experiment date and time, and any changes from your previous session.*
The show up rate of participants decreases substantially during RRR week and Finals week.
You may now skip to Schedule a Date and Time if you are simply adding more sessions to a current experiment (with no other changes to the experiment).
Recommendation: include at least 30 minutes of transition time for each session. This transition time is useful for paying subjects, setting up the lab and checking people in for the next session. Sessions following one another should be scheduled after Duration of Experiment + 30 minute Transition Time.
For example, an experiment that is 60 minutes long with Session 1 at 10 AM, it would be wise to schedule Session 2 at 11:30 AM or after.
Xlab staff support (to check subjects in or pay them) is normally available between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on work days.
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