Participant Demographics

As of March 15, 2024


Male 5,748
Female 10,787
Another gender 137
Decline to answer 116


Undergraduate (non-transfer) 11,213
Undergraduate (transferred in) 2,819
 Summer school student 314
 Other student 1,184
 Cal Staff 246
 Non-university 713
 Decline to answer 299
*The data only represents participants' response at intake.


 African American 447
 Asian 4,628
 Latino/ Hispanic 2,141
 Middle Eastern 457
 Native American 35
 White 3,868
 Other 756
 Decline to answer 480
 Central Asian 40
 Southeast Asian 793
 East Asian 2,088
 South Asian 1,018
 Other Asian 34

Highest Level of Education

 Some High School 468
  High School/ GED 5,821
 Some College 5,775
 2-year College Degree 1,900
 4-year College Degree 2,015
 Master's Degree 500
 Doctoral Degree 64
 Professional Degree (MD, JD) 63
 Decline to Answer 182
*The data only represents participants' response at intake.


 U.S. Citizen 12,961
 Other 3,601
 Decline to Answer 227

Native Language

 English 10,625
 Spanish 1,212
 Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) 2,147
 Other 2,605
 Decline to Answer 199


 Electrical Engineering/ Computer Sciences 1,414
 Political Science 681
 Economics 1,496
 Psychology 1,020
 Buisness/ Administration/ Accounting/ Management 2,670
 Environmental Science/ Natural Resources and Conservation 577
 English 281
 Biological and Biomedical Sciences/ Molecular and Cell Biology 2,299
 Mathematics 432
 Statistics 195
 Other 5,262
 Decline to Answer 448

Graduation Dates

 2015 126
  2016 606
 2017 1,024
 2024 1,897




 2020 1,394
 2021 1,641
 2022 1,989
 2023 1,442
 2024 1,897
 2025 1,414
 2026 823
 2027 393
 2028 20
 Decline to Answer 1,695

Birth Year

 1965-1970 (Including before 1965) 101
 1971-1975 53
 1976-1980 66
 1981-1985 177
 1986-1990 632
 1991-1995 2,857
 1996-2000 (Including after 1999) 12,006
 2001-2006 5,653
 Decline to Answer 232