Research Support

Some of our researchers have been awarded a grant to augment their funding for their research. It is given in the interest of providing researchers a starting point to conduct quality researchers with dependable subjects.

Listed here are those who have received the grants and links to their subsequent work.

California Poppy flowers in bloom outside of Wheeler Hall.

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Xlab grants are available to UC Berkeley graduate students, post-doc, and junior faculty. Apply for a grant to financially support your research. Learn more here.

Xlab Grant Recipients

2024 - 2025


Faculty Advisor


Qua Miller Frank C. Worrell Education
Exploring Ethnic-Racial Attitudes and Socialization Competence
Nirupika Sharma Serena Chan Psychology
The Psychological and Social Implications of Code-Switching
Uyanga Byambaa Supreet Kaur Economics
Cognitive Enrichment and Human Capital: Evidence from school intervention in developing countries
Elanie Shen Stefano DellaVigna Economics
Dollars and Sense: Self-Selection in Financial Literacy
Wan Nurul Naszeerah Layla Kwong Public Health
Vaccine Confidence and Infodemic in the Malay-speaking
Alvin Tan Prabal Dutta EECS
Tricky Trickles: Compression of Tiny Data Streams for Human-Centered Downstream Tasks
Sophia Li Juliana Schroeder Haas
Live Online Ghosting Experiment
Aakash Arvind Chowkase Dacher Keltner Psychology
Do misperceptions between racial groups act as barriers to intergroup harmony and allyship?

2023 - 2024


Faculty Advisor


Tyrone Sgambati Ozlem Ayduk Psychology
Perceptions of Partisan Moral Differences Drive Affective Polarization and Inaccurate Perceptions of Outparty Members
Zachari Pond James Sallee ARE
Social Preferences, Externalities, and Corrective Taxes.
Amanda Geiser Lief D. Nelson Haas
Coherent Arbitrariness: Stable Demand Curves Without Stable Preferences
Kristine Cho Ellen Evers Marketing
Liking scales are broken for probabilistic outcomes
Elnaz Bailey Luisa Caldas Architecture
InsightXR: Re-Imagining the Future of Design Learning in Augmented Reality
Merrick Osborne Cameron Anderson Haas
The Value of Status Hierarchy Mutability in Promoting Low-Status People's Voice
Charlie Townsend Laura Kray Haas
A Preference For Women Negotiating Partners: An Examination of Gender-Based Partner Effects
Mingduo Zhao Nano Barahona/Ganesh Iyer Haas
Recommendation System, News Consumption, and Polarization
Morgan Foy Reed Walker Haas
Selection into Union Membership
William Zhang Terrance Odean Haas
Cheating on a Budget
Hanlin Li Chris Hoofnagle School of Information
How Much Do Content Producers Value Their Content and Rights to Privacy, Transparency, and Control?
Yi Zhou Elliot Turiel School of Education
Is It Good To Be Morally Good?: How Individuals Understand The Relations of Acting Morally To the Agent's Own Good

2022 - 2023


Faculty Advisor


Yunhao Huang Miguel Villas-Boas Haas
Unmasking the Deception: The Interplay between Fake Reviews, Rating Dispersion, and Consumer Demand
Yuen Ho Jeremy Magruder ARE
Breaking the Spiral of Silence
William Ryan Ellen Evers Haas
Preparing for the Best as Much as the Worst: Consumers ignore the probability of bad outcomes when making backup plans
Jessie Harney Dr. Amy E. Lerman GSPP
Understanding Public Perceptions of Justice System Effectiveness and Harm
Haripriya Sathyanarayanan Luisa Caldas Architecture
Immersive Virtual Enviornments and Affect Study of Pediatric Patient Rooms using VR and Biosensors
Gowri Swamy Morgan Ames School of Information
The Accountability of AI-Generated Conten and Misinformation in Adolescent Multimedia Interactions
Karin Garrett Don Moore Haas
GDSA: Gender Differences in Subjective Assessment
Sa-Kiera Hudson None Haas
Bridging Social Divides With An Empathy-Focused Mobile App Intervention
Abdoulaye Cisse Ethan Ligon Agricultural and Resource Economics
Impact of Prepaid Meters on Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Senegal
Sonya Mishra Laura Kray Haas
Men, to a Greater Extent than Women, Perceive Less Organizational Inequity when they Occupy Higher Hiearchial Rank
Sara Neff Shachar Kariv Economics
How (Sub-optimal) Search Is
Andrew Choi Cameron Anderson Haas
Person Perception in Social Networks Over Time

2021 - 2022


Faculty Advisor


Douglas Epps Kurt Organista Social Welfare
Utilizing Race-Class Fusion Frames to Mobilize Support for Community-Based Alternatives to Immigration Detention
Yixiang Xu Miguel Villas-Boas Haas
Effect of Surprise and Uncertainty on News Consumption
Shoshana Jarvis Laura Kray Haas
Fear of Backlash as a Mechanism for Gender Differences in Question and Answer Participation
Jenya Kahn-Lang Meredith Fowlie Agricultural and Resource Economics
Direct Marketing and Inequitable Pricing in Residential Electricity Choice Markets
Maximilian Mueller Stefano Della Vigna Economics
The Intergenerational Transmission of Education: Internalized Aspirations versus Parent Pressure
Pedro Pires Stefano Della Vigna Economics
How Much Can You Make? Overconfidence in Gig Economy Jobs
Peter Soyster Aaron Fisher Psychology
Person-Specific and Pooled Approaches to Predicting Cannabis Use Behavior
Randol Yao Dan Acland Economic
Confirmation Bias
Matthew Tarduno Reed Walker Haas
Misperceptions and Miasma: The Role of Information in the Demand for Clean Air
Daniel Stein Jennifer Chatman Haas
Are Rituals Getting Infected Too?
Andrew Chong Coye Cheshire Information
Examining Market Transparency on Gig Economy Platforms

2020 - 2021


Faculty Advisor


Stephen Baum Leif NelsonHaas
The Competing Preferences Illusion
Alex Van Zant Haas
When Lies Go Undected: The Psychological And Relational
Elizabeth Yartsev Ozlem Ayduk Psych
Effects of Anxiety on Habituation to Positive and Negative Visual Stimuli
Sonya Mishra Laura Kray Haas
Midcareer Backlash
Solene Delecourt, Sandy Campbell Haas
Gender Differences in Time Valuation
Daron Sharps Haas
Social class background and organizational culture
Sonya Mishra Cameron Anderson Haas
Leading with a Subordinate Identity
Madelena Ng Coye Cheshire Public Health
Prototype App-Based Women's Health Research Study: Design and User Evaluation
Paul Connor Dacher Keltner Pysch
Intersectionality and Implicit Bias
Chengyi Tu Paolo D'odorico ESPM
Sustainability Game Theory
Charlie Townsend Laura Kray Haas
Gender Role Mindsets: A Lens for Examining Who Can "Have It All
Sonya Mishra, Margaret Lee Laura Kray Haas
Blinded by the light: How female initiator attractiveness leads to men’s favorable perceptions of social sexual workplace behavior
Daniel Stein Juliana Schroeder, Jenny Chamtan Haas
The Mistaken Preference for Overclaiming Credit in Groups
Andrew Choi Cameron Anderson Haas
The Paradox of the Desire for Status

2019 - 2020


Faculty Advisor


Woojin Kim Stefano DellaVigna Economics
Giving social pressure: Costs, motives, and effects
William Ryan Ellen Evers Haas
Integrating advice from multiple human and alorithmic sources
Ugur Yildirm David Harding Sociology
Perceptions of inequality during the COVID-19
Sandy Campbell, William Ryan Leif Nelson Haas
Valuing Bets and Hedges
Matthew Tarduno James Sallee Agricultural and Resource Economics
Electorally Optimal Revenue Recycling
Caroline Figueroa Adrian Aguilera Social Welfare
An mhealth app using adaptive learning to increase physical activity
Erin Gelgoot Dr. Frank Worrell Education
Sources of Online Social Support
Brieanne Martin Karen Frick Department of City and Regional Planning
The Experience of Public Transit for People with Cognitive Disabilities
Allison Diamond Altman Aaron J. Fisher Psychology
An idiographic approach to investigate the negative effects of Instagram on mental health
William Ryan, Stephen Baum Ellen Evers Haas
Reference Points and Sequences
Ugur Yildirim David Harding Sociology
How Perceptions of Inequality and Opportunity Affect Policy Preference
Katie Kimura Alison Gopnik Psychology
Do financial incentives encourage adults to explore or exploit?
Ugur Yildirim David Harding Sociology
Earned Wealth, Inequality, and Cooperation: A Networked Experiment
William Ryan, Stephen Baum Ellen Evers Haas
Fancy Regret

2018 - 2019


Faculty Advisor


Maximilian Mueller Stefano DellaVigna Economics
Intergenerational Transmission of Education: Internalized Aspirations versus Parent Pressure
Isaac Raymundo Dana Carney Haas
Effects of Promotion on Leaders
Rachel Jansen Anna Rafferty Psychology
Why we LOVE or HATE math: How experiences shape attitudes about math
Nicholas Otis William Dow Health Policy
Intervention design tournaments
Mira Celly, Malik Diaw, Minah Jung Leif Nelson Haas
Promoting Happiness: Spending Money on Self or Others
Kristin Donnelly Ellen Evers Haas
Time periods feel longer when they span more category boundaries
Elizabeth Linos Public Policy
Burnout and Bias in Decision-Making
Michael Rosenblum Dana Carney Haas
Do Givers Get More Utility from Giving than Recievers Get from Receiving?
Yoel Inbar Ellen Evers Haas
Units of fairness
Qian Yu, Soravis Prakkamakul Niloufar Salehi Information
VoiceMatters: Examining experiences of closeness when people interact with voice-based computing

2017 - 2018


Faculty Advisor


Brianna Bottle Juliana Schroeder Haas
Political Topics Study
Susanna Berkouwer Meredith Fowlie ARE
Behavioral biases and energy efficient appliances in developing contexts
Elizabeth Yartsev Ozlem Ayduk Psych
Emotional Habituation to Positive and Negative Visual Stimuli
Kristin Donnelly Ellen Evers Haas
Ensemble Perception and Consumer Decision-Making
Stephen Baum Ellen Evers Haas
The Expertise Toll
Monica Ellwood-Lowe Silvia Bunge Psych
Learning from distractors: Investigating a potential cognitive adaptation in lower-socioeconomic status individuals
Daron Sharps Cameron Anderson Haas
Personality and Power in Organizations
Derek Schatz Don Moore Haas
Debiasing Probability Forecasts
Derek Schatz Don Moore Haas
Debiasing Probability Forecasts Pilot 2
Stephen Baum Ellen Evers Haas
The Psychology of Equivocation
Daniel Stein Dana Carney Haas
The Truth Boost? Affiliation Preference for Honest (vs. DisHonest) Partners
William Ryan Ellen Evers Haas
The influence of (anticipated) regret on algorithm use

2016 - 2017


Faculty Advisor


Kevin Schuster Don Moore Haas
Filter Bubbles: Breaking Through
Michael O'Donnell Ellen Evers Haas
Dissociations Between Willingness-to-pay and Choice
Daron Sharps Juliana Schroeder Haas
Barriers to Prosocial Behavior Study
Amanda Perez Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton Psychology
The Efficacy of Using Individual Quad Model Parameters in a Liner Model
Jonas Tungodden Stefano DellaVigna Economics
How do parents make choices for children? Competitiveness and gender
Aisling Scott John Morgan Haas
It Takes Only One to Trust
Phoebe Wong Clayton Critcher Haas
Revisiting a decision-by-sampling origin of loss aversion

2015 - 2016


Faculty Advisor


Phoebe Wong Clayton Critcher Haas
Revisiting a decision-by-sampling origin of loss aversion
Ali Sanaei Coye Cheshire School of Information
When Police Brutality Backfires: How Information Asymmetries Moderate the Link between Violent Repression and Collective Action
Maria Eckstein Silvia Bunge Psychology
Manipulating goal-directed and habitual strategies through cognitive tasks
Fausto Gonzalez Leif Nelson Haas
Send-it-forward: Social messaging and well-being
Michael Rosenblum Juliana Schroeder Haas
Decision-Making Studies
Oren Reshef Steve Tadelis Haas
Peer effects in a team setting
Daniel Stancato Serena Chen Psychology
Inequality, Threat, and the Social Fabric: Laboratory Studies on the Harmful Effects of Income; Inequality on Social Relations and Well-being

2014 - 2015


Faculty Advisor


Tim Campellone Ann Kring Psychology
Ecological Momentary Intervention for Improving Motivation/Goal Attainment
Sanaz Mobasseri Dana Carney Haas
Thin Slices and Social Networks
Emma Bruehlman-Senecal Ozlem Ayduk Psychology
This Too Shall Pass: Temporary Distance and the Regulation of Emotional Distress
Summer Starling Julianna Deardorff Public Health
Adolescent Evaluative Judgments and Trust in Online Sexual Health Resources
Jordan Leitner Ozlem Ayduk Psychology
Reducing Inflammatory Reactivity during Intergroup Mentoring Interactions
Lydia Ashton Sophia Villa-boas ARE
Hunger Games: Does Hunger Affect Risk and Time Preferences?

2013 - 2014


Faculty Advisor


David Echeverry Shachar Kariv Haas
Leading by non-example
Laura Howland Dana Carney Haas
Career: Physiological underpinnings of power's effect on adaptive and corrupt outcomes
Leanne ten Brinke Dana Carney Haas
Social Judgment
Lydia Ashton Sophia Villas-boas ARE
Hunger Games: Does Hunger Affect Risk and Time Preferences?
Siyu Yu Claude Fischer Sociology
Diffusion of cooperation in networks
Ye (Wendy) Jin Shachar Kariv Economics
Level-K Thinking in Ring Games