Dear behavioral science researchers, 

We hope you are having wonderful spring semesters! We write to share exciting news: the Xlab is planning to re-open in person by the end of the month. Please consider running a study with us, either in-person or virtually. Our participant pool is active and eager to engage in studies, and we have grant money left to allocate this year if you need financial assistance. 

Enjoy reading the rest of the newsletter.

With gratitude for the Xlab community,
Juliana Schroeder, Xlab Faculty Director
Rowilima Balza del Castillo, Xlab Manager
Xlab News: What you need to know this month
Reopening for in-person studies
The Building Oversight Committee and CPHS have recently approved in-person Xlab sessions with a maximum of 3 participants and 1 researcher present. New procedures that must be observed include masking and use of hand sanitizer upon entry. Xlab staff will check-in participants outside of the library, conduct temperature checks, and sanitize computer stations between sessions. These screening procedures must be included on Sona for all in-person experiments. Interested researchers may start submitting requests to host sessions as early as March 15.
Virtual study guidelines, poll results
Xlab's Fall 2020 participant survey results revealed common problems with accessing Zoom links — please ensure that relevant links for your studies are on Sona! Full poll results are available here
Connect with Xlab on Twitter
Xlab is using Twitter as its primary social media platform oriented towards researchers. Follow us so that we can publicize your research! Following our Twitter account also allows you to read the latest Berkeley research, and keep up to date on our reopening plans.
Xlab Stats at a Glance: January 2021
Grant Recipients: January-March 2021
Sustainability Game Theory
PAUL CONNOR  |  Psychology
Intersectionality and Implicit Bias
MADELENA NG  |  Public Health
Prototype App-Based Women's Health Research Study: Design and User Evaluation
Researcher Spotlight

Coye Cheshire, a professor in the school of information, is a leader in research surrounding trust and social-participation in technology-mediated environments.

"My larger goals are to advance our understandings of the advances and limitations of different social information technologies" he explained. 

Some of his current research includes a study of perception of fairness in online marketplace platforms and an examination of sensemaking among believers and ex-believers in online conspiracy theory communities. The Xlab has played a key part in this research.

"The Xlab provided essential services for my current work, including participant recruitment/payment, Qualtrics survey support, and scheduling for online interviews," Cheshire says. "The help and support from the Xlab staff was absolutely essential to the successful start of my research career at Berkeley." 

The Xlab has been a key part of his research in his over 15 years at Berkeley, and despite the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Cheshire has found ways to adapt to the online environment. With the help of the Xlab, Cheshire has and will continue to ensure that his pioneering research is conducted.
How are we doing?
We want to make this newsletter as clear and helpful as possible! Please complete this brief one-minute survey to help us optimize XFlash for researchers. 

Are researchers eligible for the coronavirus vaccine?
Although current safety procedures for reopening do not require researchers or participants to be vaccinated for coronavirus, you are most likely eligible if you live in Berkeley or Alameda County. Individuals working in Education and Childcare are eligible to receive the vaccine in multiple counties in the Bay Area. You can check your eligibility here

What remote studies does Xlab currently support?
Although the Xlab will soon reopen for studies that meet safety standards (see Xlab in the News for more details), Xlab will continue to support both online surveys (e.g., using Qualtrics) and virtual lab studies (e.g., on Zoom). Suggested best practices on how to conduct virtual studies via Zoom are available on our website. Xlab can provide researchers with recruitment and payment services. Researchers interested in conducting an online study should mark "Online Experiment" under "Experiment Type" when filling out the Experiment Request Form on the Xlab website. 

How does the Xlab grant process work?
Graduate student researchers can submit an Xlab grant application here. Note that your proposed research does not need to use the Xlab participant pool to receive an Xlab research grant, but priority will be given to research that uses the Xlab pool. There is no maximum amount for award requests. Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed by two faculty and you'll receive a final decision within about two weeks.

Check out our website and follow us on social media!
Mailing address:
Experimental Social Science Lab (Xlab)
Haas School of Business
2220 Piedmont Ave, S545
Berkeley, CA 94720-1900

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